

as a company that produces and distributes Russian language films in Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), ex-USSR republics.

Sony Pictures’ participation in the joint venture will be through its motion picture production and distribution unit, Columbia Pictures.

«Russia and its neighbors comprise one of the most exciting and promising places to do business in the entertainment world, and we’re proud to be teamed with the Patton Media Group to help bring films to audiences throughout the region,» said Michael Lynton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sony Pictures. «We’ve created Monumental Pictures because we recognize the great strides being made in Russian motion picture production»

«I believe that with the Russian theatrical film market growing we can help take this dynamic business to a whole new level in the coming months and years» — says Michael Lynton. «There is tremendous opportunity for growth, and we’re poised to fulfill the rising demand for quality entertainment in Russia, the Ukraine, the CIS, and Mongolia.»

Monumental Pictures has created and successfully distributed such films as «Awaiting a Miracle», «Trackman», «Best Movie-2», «First Love».